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发布时间:2018-03-06 浏览量:

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工学 黄龙 环境工程 Phase-controlled solvothermal synthesis and morphology evolution of nickel sulfide and its pseudocapacitance performance Ceramics International 2017年第43卷3080-3088页 A类 发表 1    
工学 黄龙 环境工程 Ultrahigh-performance pseudocapacitor based on phase-controlled synthesis of MoS2 nanosheets decorated Ni3S2 hybrid structure through annealing treatment Applied Surface Science 2017年第425卷879-888页 A类 发表 1    
工学 黄龙 环境工程 Facile preparation of flower-like NiMn layered double hydroxide reduced graphene oxide microsphere composite for high-performance asymmetric supercapacitors Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2018年第730卷71-80页 A类 发表 1